Awakening the Divine Masculine


With this 6 week class men will be tapping into their higher faculties in order to become the best possible version of themselves.

By tapping into our higher faculties we can become the best possible version of ourselves. There is a king inside of every man. There is a warrior inside of every man. There is a healer inside of every man.

Most men have not spent a ton of time on inner development. Therefore men often lack the ability to manage their emotions, actions, thoughts and sexual energy so that they can reach their highest potential. These sessions put men on the path to cultivating inner and outer wealth so they can create the world they want for themselves.

Exhibit the 6 male archetypes

Gain deep insight into understanding masculine and feminine energy

Embrace the core qualities of manhood

Get a deeper grasp of relationship dynamics

Awaken and refine your leadership qualities

Learn how to cultivate and manage sexual energy

Live from heartspace

Become a high value man with abundance consciousness

Embody the higher self

Participants can enroll at anytime.

This a 5 week course. All classes are already recorded, so you can watch when it best fits your schedule.

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