How will people be able to navigate in the dark?

We will wear blindfolds to ensure no light pollution enters your eyes. Eventually you learn to navigate the space intuitively and our staff will be there to assist you.

How will food be served in the dark?

We will serve three meals a day, a light breakfast served around sunrise and a full meal for lunch and dinner (served after sunset). All meals are vegetarian.

Feel free to fast at any point during the retreat and please let us know in advance if you do not plan on eating some of the meals.

How should I prepare for the retreat?

Everyone planning on attending should practice daily meditation for at least one week before the retreat starts.

Also I highly recommend sungazing during the week leading up to the retreat. This will fill your system with light before you enter into the darkness. Only sungaze during the first hour after sunrise and the last hour before sunset. Simply stare at the sun for 1 minute on day one and increase the time 30 seconds for each day afterwards. For optimum impact you can also do this while earthing (having your bare feet on the dirt or grass). If you dont feel comfortable gazing at the sun directly you can also an alternative do the same practice with your eyes closed. If you do it this alternative way I recommend starting with 10 minutes and increasing the time 1 minute for each day afterwards.

Everyone will be expected to bring a sleeping bag, a yoga mat, and a backpack with trail mix and other snacks that you would consume throughout the three day experience. I would suggest bringing some snacks that contain almonds, peanuts and other nuts in general because they help with the production of dmt in the brain. Honey can assist with making visions more pleasant and uplifting your mood.

Get a travel toothbrush that you can fold, you want to be prepared just in case you somehow drop it on the floor.

What will be the sleeping arrangements?

The common area will be partitioned off so that everyone has their own space.

Jay english will conduct the workshops in the common area.

What if an emergency arises?

*in the event of an emergency, we take people into our “candle room” and they will get 30 minutes to calm down and decompress. In the event they cannot relax (which is very rare) there are points in the process where you exit the dark room.

Dark room rules/boundaries

*You must have taken a Honors Yoga class, retreat or program before attending the dark room.

*This retreat cannot be done as a couple (if a couple wants to do it they should both attend separate dark room events)

*No weapons are allowed in the dark room (will result in immediate removal and possible criminal charges)

*Anyone who attends should be at least 18 years of age